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Scholarships and Travel Awards

undergraduate and graduate students at the Biophysical Society meeting 2022

JP Travel Award recipients Gretchen Fujimura (BMB, Class of 2024; on the right) and Coban Brooks (BMB, Class of 2023, third from the right) present their undergraduate research at the Biophysical Society Meeting 2022 with graduate students from Elisar Barbar's lab. Also pictured are graduate students in the Barbar and Nyarko labs left to right Aidan Estelle, Jesse Howe, Sanjay Ramprasad and Amber Vogel.

Supporting student success

Our students today aspire to be the next generation of research scientists, physicians, educators, pharmacists, entrepreneurs, science policymakers and members of the biotechnology workforce. Through the generous support of alumni, friends, parents and faculty, we are able to support their development as scientists through the following scholarships and awards.

Your gifts have a meaningful impact on our students, faculty and our success in research. If you’re looking for the best way to support our department, please consider donating to the Biochemistry and Biophysics Excellence Fund, the Kevin and Indira Champions of Undergrads Fund, or the Biochemistry and Biophysics Scholarship/Fellowship Fund by simply typing any of these fund names into the “I want to give to” box.

JP Travel Award

The Joel Peterson (JP) Undergraduate Student Travel Fund supplements funds to enable BB/BMB majors to travel to take advantage of professionally beneficial opportunities, such as presenting research at a conference, distance internships or other training opportunities. The fund was established by microbiology alumnus Joel Peterson (’69).

Learn more and apply 

Kevin and Indira Champions of Undergraduates Scholarship

Established in honor of Drs. Kevin Ahern and Indira Rajagopal, this fund supports undergraduate BB students with financial need. Student support includes emergency support, undergraduate research activities, professional development opportunities (including travel related to such activities), scholarships and other need-based support.

Learn more and apply 

Departmental awards

We recognize the achievements of our BB and BMB undergraduates with the following departmental scholarships.

Berge Chandler Scholarship

To provide support for science students majoring in biochemistry and biophysics. Established by Sonja Berge Chandler (’82, '90 PhD) and Peter Chandler.

Ray and Frances Cripps Biochemistry/Biophysics Scholarship

To provide scholarships to students in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Established by Frances Cripps.

Kevin & Indira Champions of Undergrads

Established by friends of Kevin Ahern and Indira Rajagopal to celebrate their retirements and honor their legacy at OSU to support undergraduate students in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, with priority given to supporting students who have demonstrated financial need.

Mary Hutchins Hohner Scholarship

To provide financial assistance to juniors or seniors in the Department of Biochemistry and with a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Established by the Mary V. Hohner Trust.

Honoring Distinction in Biochemistry & Biophysics

To provide scholarships for undergraduate students in the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics.

Donald L. MacDonald Scholarship

To a junior or senior in biochemistry and biophysics who has demonstrated ability and has a desire for a career in science research. This scholarship was established by the children of Professor MacDonald to honor him upon his retirement from the department.

Karen Nickel Biochemistry/Biophysics Scholarship

To provide scholarship support for students in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Established by Dr. Karen Nickel (’61).

Woodstock Scholarship

To support an outstanding student in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Established by Carollee Woodstock (OSU '81).

College of Science awards

The College of Science Student Travel Fund awards are for students in the College who need financial support to attend professional conferences to present their research findings and will help cover certain costs associated with presenting their scholarly work at academic conferences and meetings.

Apply for COSSTA

Participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience program and take advantage of hundreds of summer research opportunities to work alongside College of Science faculty for an engaging, hands-on learning experience. All College of Science undergraduate students are welcome to apply.

Learn more about SURE Science