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students and volunteers working in genetic code lab

2018 Genetic Code Expansion Conference draws scientists from around the world

The second Genetic Code Expansion (GCE) Conference accelerated fundamental research into the biology of life as well as drug discovery and material science.

Young woman working in lab with other students.

Building a pipeline for young women in STEM

What is the common denominator between isolating strawberry DNA, building Knex vehicles, spalting wood and probing sea anemone symbiosis?

nobel prize logo

Understanding science's highest award: The Nobel Prizes

Three OSU scientists explore the 2017 Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine and the exciting scientific advances they represent at a public lecture April 30, 2018.

group of people talking to each other at a social event

Health Professions Fair connects students with professional schools and careers in healthcare

The Health Professions Fair—a fantastic way to learn about graduate education and careers in health care—will take place on April 21, 2020 from 10-2 in the Memorial Union Ballroom on the Corvallis campus.

Bil Clemons analyzing test tubes in lab

Distinguished biochemist speaks on diversity in science and academia

Distinguished Caltech biochemist Bil Clemons visits campus to present a research seminar and lead an open discussion on diversity in science and academia.

Roy Haggerty showing children a snake

Discovery Days foster a love for science

Nearly 800 students gathered for Discovery Days on campus to experience the rich and diverse world of science Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2017.

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Alumni and Friends

Recognizing outstanding achievements: 2017 Alumni Awards

The College of Science is proud to announce its 2017 Alumni Award recipients.

Microscope and laurel icon labeled "2017" above light texture
Faculty and Staff

Recognizing faculty and staff excellence

The College of Science celebrated research, teaching and administrative excellence at its 2017 Fall Faculty and Staff Awards.

SACNAS representatives together at a restaurant

Because diversity matters: Science students attend 2017 SACNAS conference

The College of Science supported eight students at the 2017 Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science conference last week in Salt Lake City.

women rock climbing

Getting your career plans in shape: A Saturday bootcamp

The Career Development Advanced Career Bootcamp for science students will take place on Saturday, October 28.

Students working in chemistry lab
Biomedical Science

Genetic Code Expansion Workshop returns for third year

The third annual Genetic Code Expansion Workshop is returning to campus for graduate students, faculty and scientists from across the country and world the week of July 31-August 5, 2017.

3d model of calprotectin protein
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Inaugural symposium explores how NMR illuminates biology

The College of Science is hosting the inaugural symposium on biological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance featuring internationally recognized NMR scientists on August 4, 2017.