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Scientist holding a lab book.

New grants to expand research on cancer imaging and quantum materials

New awards from the College of Science will support research on quantum information applications, better cancer screening and bioimaging technologies.

Sonia Grutzius working with Ryan Mehl in the lab.
Student Success

Oregon's top pre-med program meets the growing demand for doctors

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating a surging interest in science and medicine, attracting a new generation of students to a career in medicine. Enrollment in the College of Science’s pre-med program at Oregon State University has also remained high, with numbers averaging 90-100 pre-med students annually since 2019.

Elisar Barbar
Women in Science

Women scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19

In recognition of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, held on February 11, we acknowledge the women faculty, students and alumnae of the OSU College of Science.

Chris Beaudry working in a lab with a student
Faculty and Staff

Grants to boost advances in mental health and cancer research

The College of Science awarded two interdisciplinary teams funding to pursue promising leads in mental health and cancer research. One team will investigate the role of the gut-brain axis on sex differences in anxiety, and another will explore ways to develop an synthetic version of HHT-- a rare plant alkaloid that is showing great promise in the development of new medicines for multiple forms of cancer.

Biomedical Science

Multivitamin, mineral supplement linked to less-severe, shorter-lasting illness symptoms

Older adults who took a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement with zinc and high amounts of vitamin C in a 12-week study experienced sickness for shorter periods and with less severe symptoms than counterparts in a control group receiving a placebo.

Troy Hagen
Biomedical Science

Lipoic acid supplements help some obese but otherwise healthy people to lose weight

A compound given as a dietary supplement to overweight but otherwise healthy people in a clinical trial caused many of the patients to slim down, research by OSU and OHSU showed.

Joaquin Rodriguez
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Finding clarity and calm during a global pandemic

Joaquin Rodriguez, a biochemistry and biophysics senior doing research on viruses, explains why the coronavirus has a high rate of transmission.

Mikayla Pivec standing in outdoor plaza, wearing a USA basketball jersey
Graduate students

Basketball star broadens her reach

After a sudden and disappointing end to a phenomenal season, award-winning point guard Mikayla Pivec has left a legacy at Oregon State that will be remembered long after she graduates.

Bo Sun working in physics lab with student
Faculty and Staff

Scientists garner innovation awards for cancer and materials research

The Science Research and Innovation Seed awards were given to four multidisciplinary research teams working on cancer diagnostics and materials science.

Adrian Gombart in lab coat next to microscope
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Vitamin D increases protection against infection, new model suggests

Biochemist Adrian Gombart and collaborators have led the development of a new model for studying vitamin D’s role in infection prevention.

hops on branch
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Hops compounds help with metabolic syndrome while reducing microbiome diversity

Results from the lab of biochemist Adrian Gombart show that each of the hops compounds decreased the amount and diversity of microbes and reduced inflammation leading to improved metabolism.